PT alamindo bumi hijau
Currently, Indonesia is entering an era of long-term development which is full of challenges in dealing with the impact of globalization. Attention to environmental issues has been increased significantly, especially related to climate change which began with the ratification of the Paris Agreement “to reduce emissions of total global emissions by 2050 or sooner Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) in order to achieve net-zero emissions” whereas Indonesia being part of it. To achieve the NDC target, Indonesia government will carry out the mitigation activities to reduce risks due to climate change through some systems which one of the system is Forestry and Other Land Uses (FOLU) system.
PT Alamindo Bumi Hijau (Alamindo) as a private company is willing to participate in supporting the government program. As the Forest Utilization Business Permits holders, Alamindo could contribute to reduce forest degradation and deforestation, increase forest safeguards, planting, preventing forest fire hazards and biodiversity protection which can reduce emissions and increase carbon absorption and/or conservation of carbon stocks. Finally the output of these mitigation actions may give opportunities for Forest Utilization Business Permits holders to obtain incentives in the form of utilization of Carbon Pricing (Nilai Ekonomi Karbon/NEK).
In addition to engaging in forest management and utilization, PT Alamindo Bumi Hijau will expand its business in various fields, including: