Build the Welfare of the Earth of Papua
Maximize the management and utilization of forests with all their derivatives (Forestry including carbon trade optimization)
Build, manage, and utilize an integrated industry with appropriate modern technology in all production, operational and non-operational aspects in the fields of natural resources and green energy in a sustainable manner
Transforming Papua into a sustainable hub of prosperity, while leading the way in responsible land management, environmental lead, and climate action.

PT alamindo bumi hijau

Currently, Indonesia is entering an era of long-term development which is full of challenges in dealing with the impact of globalization. Attention to environmental issues has been increased significantly, especially related to climate change which began with the ratification of the Paris Agreement “to reduce emissions of total global emissions by 2050 or sooner Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) in order to achieve net-zero emissions” whereas Indonesia being part of it. To achieve the NDC target, Indonesia government will carry out the mitigation activities to reduce risks due to climate change through some systems which one of the system is Forestry and Other Land Uses (FOLU) system.

PT Alamindo Bumi Hijau (Alamindo) as a private company is willing to participate in supporting the government program. As the Forest Utilization Business Permits holders, Alamindo could contribute to reduce forest degradation and deforestation, increase forest safeguards, planting, preventing forest fire hazards and biodiversity protection which can reduce emissions and increase carbon absorption and/or conservation of carbon stocks. Finally the output of these mitigation actions may give opportunities for Forest Utilization Business Permits holders to obtain incentives in the form of utilization of Carbon Pricing (Nilai Ekonomi Karbon/NEK).


In addition to engaging in forest management and utilization, PT Alamindo Bumi Hijau will expand its business in various fields, including:

Timber Logging

Timber Logging

Alamindo runs the timber logging business through its subsidiary, PT Prabu Alaska which manages a production forest concession area of ± 415,240 Hectares located in Fakfak and Kaimana Regencies. We have been running the logging since 2017 and have obtained only the wood products that have diameter limits of 14 inches up, and this aligns with the applied selective logging and planting/Tebang Pilih Tanam Indonesia (TPTI) silviculture system in sustainable way (Sustainable Forest Management).

Timber Industry

Timber Industry

Alamindo runs the timber industry business through its subsidiary, PT Karas Industri Papua which engaged in the zero-waste wood processing industry which stands on an area of ± 28 Hectares and has 10 lines located in Karas District, Fakfak Regency, West Papua Province. Its products are high quality wood which includes plywood, veneer, and sawn timber suitable for domestic and foreign market (e.g. Europe and America). Production is run with a zero-waste concept supported by using renewable energy.

Carbon Credit

Carbon Credit

Alamindo is driven by a strong commitment to actively participate in carbon credit projects and offset initiatives. Our purpose is to play a significant role in mitigating climate change and promoting sustainable practices. By engaging closely with project developers, Alamindo leverage our position as landowners to generate verified carbon credits, adhering to the rigorous Verra Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) certification standards.